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Hey busy lady!

Feeling drained? Struggling to keep up?

Life's hectic..

You're exhausted..

And you feel like you are falling apart at every angle..


It's time to take action!

If I was to tell you exactly what to do so that you had energy from morning to night, better mood & your zest for life back.. would you do it?

The Reclaim Your Energy online course is every busy woman's solution to feeling better on a daily basis. 

Don’t waste any more of your precious years feeling lack lustre and barely functioning. Don’t do it.
For the sake of your family, relationship, career.. for your sake.


Does any of the following describe you?


  • I struggle to get out of bed in the morning

  • I use caffeine/sugar to keep going

  • I crash after I eat 

  • I'm carrying weight that I can’t lose

  • I don’t sleep well 

  • My mood is up and down 

  • I feel anxious

  • I have headaches 

  • My skin doesn’t glow & my hair is thinning

  • I have no sex drive 

  • I get sick often

  • Im tired all the time 


With some simple changes & hacks to your everyday routine, all of the above can be a thing of the past. 

All it takes is a little bit of effort. 

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Hi, I'm Jo

B.A (Hons), PGCE, DipCNM

I'm a qualified Naturopathic Nutritionist & Ayurvedic practitioner, specialising in Women's Hormone Health, Menstrual Cycle Awareness & Holistic Healing.


Over the years, I have learnt three main aspects to health:


1) Food really is medicine and the body has vast capability for self healing.

2) Nourishment is not just about nutrition. The mind-body-spirit connection is the real deal to health. Holistic healing is key for uncovering the root cause and achieving long-lasting results

3) Bio-individuality always takes priority. Learn how your unique physiology works, become attune to it, and let that knowledge drive your decisions 

Accessible for all ​

We​ all deserve access to information that can change our lives for the better. For that reason I created the Reclaim your Energy online course at a very affordable price. It's a practical framework to follow, so by the end you will have an upgraded routine that will really increase how much natural energy you have throughout the day.

Our energy levels tell us a great deal about how our body is
functioning overall. To learn more about how our body communicates to us via our energy, click here.


Even with my 1:1 clients we always start with the foundations of health - that is essentially what this course is made up of. 


If you are struggling with a specific health concern or condition, and want to dig deeper to find the root cause, and finally get some answers, my 1:1 personalised support journeys will suit you better (plus the course is included in all journeys!) 

don't remember the last time I slept through the night without waking, but now I'm doing it every night!! Thank you so much! 


I'm no longer a 'Dragon Lady'!

Allow yourself to thrive!

I use the functional medicine model to find & address the root cause to conditions and symptoms.

​Clients come to me with a range of issues such as: 

  • Heavy, painful periods

  • PMS or PMDD

  • Perimenopause

  • Irregular or non-existent periods

  • Trouble conceiving 

  • Transitioning off birth control 

  • PCOS

  • Thyroid issues/Hashimoto's 

  • Headaches

  • Digestives issues 

  • Acne/breakouts

  • Brain fog/memory loss

  • Cravings/weight gain 

  • Fatigue 

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Low libido 

  • Anxiety

  • High cholesterol/diabetes/metabolic dysfunction

You may have had blood test results come back as 'normal' even though you still feel rubbish. The functional medicine ranges for tests are different to GP ranges. We look to see if you are functioning optimally not just surviving. 

Let's talk about it!

Working with a health professional is an investment for life. Maybe you want to discuss your situation before signing up, or perhaps you have some questions about what working with a nutritionist is really like. 


I offer free 20 minute clarity calls for exactly those reasons. I want you to feel fully informed and excited before you get started.

This is a life changing moment! 

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Let's Begin..

Join the Community 

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Join the Nourish Her community of conscious women prioritising their health and happiness. 
Plus stay in the know for all my upcoming events, webinars, courses and freebies! 

1) Join the monthly newsletter                                         2) Join the Women-only Whatsapp group  

Thanks for submitting!

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