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The Nourish Her Solution

My signature 1:1 coaching journeys


  • You have tried the traditional route but still don't feel right or have solutions.

  • You know in your heart there is a way to healing. 

  • You are serious about your health and ready to dig deeper.

  • You so desperately want to regain control of your life and start feeling & looking good again.   

Fragile Pampas

The Nourish Her Solution is a journey back to you..

Back to when you were vibrant and energised for life. 

Where is she?

That girl you fondly remember. Buried amongst the craziness that life has become? 

Shall we bring her back?


The Nourish Her Solution
A journey back to you

Together we will reclaim balance in your body, mind & spirit to allow self-healing to occur.
Your holistic healing journey will follow 6 pillars that make up The Nourish Her Solution 

The 6 pillars of the nourish her solution approach to holistic healing. Cleanse, replenish, sync, move, rest and regulate.

We will assess your toxic load & support your ability to detox. Cleansing is like a breath of fresh air for your body!

Let food be thy medicine..
We will correct nutrient imbalances 
making you feel better fast.

A natural mood booster, stress reliever & longevity enhancer! We will find ways to fit movement into your busy lifestyle.

Probably the most important pillar! Without adequate rest & restorative sleep, the body cannot repair & heal.  

We are nature babies! The sun and moon dictate our hormonal patterns. Aligning our schedule to nature optimises every organ in the body.

Your level of self worth & ability to regulate your emotions has direct impact on your health. We will nurture your relationship with self & regulate your nervous system.

Choose your journey..


6 week Journey

1x Initial consultation (1.5 hour)

3x Bi-weekly check ins (30 mins)

Support between sessions via app




Best for short-term goals such as preparing for an event. Also ideal for anyone already committed to a healthy lifestyle but wanting to optimise their nutrition or support longevity & general health.


3 Month Journey

1x Initial consultation (1.5 hour)

6x Bi-weekly check ins (30 mins)

Support between sessions via app




Best for hormonal, gut, mood, sleep issues as everything in the body is interconnected and it takes time to rebalance and embed correct diet and lifestyle practices. 


6 Month Journey

1x Initial consultation (1.5 hour)

12x Bi-weekly check ins (30 mins)

Support between sessions via app




Best for more complex conditions such as PCOS or autoimmunity. Also ideal if you need a complete life overhaul and the accountability to really make a life transformation. 


  • All journeys include personalised diet, lifestyle, and supplement plans (if required).

  • You may benefit from testing as they help uncover root causes. Testing costs are extra unless supplied via GP. 

  • Payment plans are available. 

  • 3 & 6 month journeys include free access to the Reclaim your energy: A holistic framework for busy women to thrive all day  online course (worth £79) that will support foundational changes. 

  • Please remember, healing really is a journey, there is no quick fix, it takes time

  • For more chronic conditions such as autoimmunity or PCOS, the 6 month journey will be required. If you are unsure which journey to choose, please book in for a free clarity call to discuss your situation. 

The body has incredible capacity for self healing

Magdalena's story

Magdalena aged 37 wants to prepare her body for pregnancy.
"I have PCOS", she tells me in our first call together.

"Sometimes I can go 3 months without a period." I could hear the frustration in her voice. "What else is going on?" I ask. 
"I wake up every day with a puffy face and I feel lethargic in a morning. I feel like I could sleep all day. I've gained weight around my middle and I consistently have headaches. I've tried some natural products but the effects don't last. I don't know what to do." 

A common phrase I hear. I told her. "Don't worry, I do." 
Magdalena signed up and over the course of 6 months restored a regular menstrual cycle, lost weight & water retention, gained an abundance of natural energy & reduced her headaches.  

She has now signed up her fiancé' so they can both be in optimal health before trying for a baby. Listen to her video testimonial.


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