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Welcome to Jo Proctor Nutrition

The vision for my work is to see ALL women go from surviving to thriving
Yes the world is now a wealth of opportunity for many women, but at what cost is it coming too? 
So many women are suffering or barely getting by because of the added roles, responsibilities and seemingly obligations that we think we are under. 
Alongside that we are trying to do it all in a society that follows a masculine structure that has robbed us of our true feminine wisdom. 
Central to feminine wisdom is the understanding that caring for yourself is not only important but essential. True self-care is an act of self-respect and self-love, recognising that you cannot pour from an empty cup.
This self-care isn't selfish; it is the foundation that allows you to be fully present and effective in your roles as a nurturer, leader, and companion.
By healing and connecting to your body, cyclical nature and intuition you can 
unlock your full potential and thrive in every aspect of life.  

This is my mission.  

My Story 

I have always struggled with my hormones... a teenager I was very emotional, regularly crying for no reason and incredibly moody. As an adult the crying stopped but the moodiness and irritability continued.


Like a wave descending over you, you know it’s happening, but you can’t control it.


And then poof! It’s gone and you are free again, back to your bubbly, happy self, everyone loves.


If only you could be like that all the time, right?


This perpetual monthly dance of emotions awarded me with the name ‘DRAGON LADY’ for ‘those days’ by my patient, but-only-human boyfriend at the time.


I was then diagnosed with a thyroid condition as well as having suffered for a lifetime with IBS issues. With no relief from my GP, I went on an obsessive, self-prescribing journey. The cocktail of supplements, diets, and lifestyle changes that I tried resulted in extreme weight loss and actually made my symptoms worse. 


Enough was enough. 


It was clear that this was my passion, but I needed to learn how to heal my body properly. I needed to study this field, instead of experimenting on myself with Dr Google.


And so, I completed my 3-year qualification in Naturopathic Nutrition and really did learn how to heal my body properly. 

The boyfriend is no longer around to say if I’m still ‘Dragon Lady’ during ‘those days’, but I can say that when ‘those days’ do come around, I still get amazed at how good I feel.


I now understand my body, my cycle and marvel at who we are and become as women at each stage. The transformation from pain to ease is humbling and I now dedicate my work to helping other women achieve this transformation as well.


Because life is not meant to be lived as a ‘Dragon Lady’.

5 star client testimonial: how to have better gut health, improve constipation, regulate cycle, transition off birth control


Online course called: How to increase your energy, solutions for busy women.  Also helps with mood, hormones, brain fog

Prefer a Do-IT-Yourself approach?

Not ready to commit to 1:1 coaching?

I have just the thing you are looking for..

An online, self paced course that finds solutions to the many reasons why your energy is d-r-a-i-n-e-d and health symptoms are cropping up right, left and center.  

This course holds your hand and takes you through every area of your life that might need some TLC, some hacks & solutions because I know you are a busy busy lady, so that you can literally elevate (get ready to fly!) your energy and health. Watch niggling symptoms disappear and your mind and mood lift!

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